
Latte - hot / cold

a Milk Coffee.
It is a famous coffee in our shop. You can taste the perfect fusion of coffee and milk.

Classic Black - hot / cold

an Original Coffee.
Nothing but Coffee. You can taste the original flavour of coffee.

Cappuccino - hot / cold

an Italian Coffee.
You can taste the creamy and foam layer of coffee.

Macchiato - hot / cold

a 'Spot of Milk' Coffee.
You can taste the perfect flavour of espresso coffee with little milk.

Pancake - strawberry / mango

Flat Cake.
It is a famous food in our shop. Enjoy the jam, strawberry and mango, with a cup of coffee.

Cookie - strawberry / mango

Baked Food.
Taste the original flavour from United Kingdom. Small, Flat and Sweet.

Pudding strawberry / mango

Smooth Dessert.
A dessert that do not have to chew. Try to just swallow it.

Ice Cream strawberry / mango

Sweetened Frozen Food.
You can enjoy your ice cream with Strawberry and Mango.